
JU-ICE-IT has provided nutritional information on its website for the general information of the public. The information has been gathered from various sources and is believed by JU-ICE-IT to be accurate at the time of publication, however JU-ICE-IT accepts no responsibility for and makes no representation nor gives any warranty or undertaking, express or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of the information.

It is expected that the results of each client will vary and JU-ICE-IT cannot guarantee any specific results or weight loss. JU-ICE-IT strongly advises its clients to seek the advice of a GP regarding any suspected medical conditions; before discontinuing prescribed medication; or prior to embarking on a calorie reduced diet. Nothing contained in JU-ICE-IT’s website or in any other documentation provided is intended to act as, or substitute, a diagnosis from a qualified medical physician. Nothing in this statement shall affect the statutory rights of JU-ICE-IT’s clients as consumers.